Wednesday 6th November, 2024.
It seems an age since I first commenced this project and it has been damned hard work but a joy at the same time. Then suddenly the launch is upon us. It goes on sale tonight at the Nottingham Piscatorial Society’s Speakers Evening held at the Newark Showground. Doors open from 6.15pm, with non-members’ entry fee being just a fiver with all profits going towards funding the Junior Section.

The Mighty Trent is published by The Little Egret Press who will be hosting a stand and I will be there all evening, willing and available to sign books, scribble personal messages, chat generally, etc. Don’t worry, I’m very patient and don’t bite as a rule!
For those intending to come along tonight and purchase a copy then I suggest you bring along a strong carrier Bag is you might be surprised at the weight of the book. Seriously. It is large format and almost 300 pages long. I was shocked when the postman delivered mine and there’s also the free DVDs to take away, too.

If you cannot attend, orders via the Little Egret Press website are currently being taken with postal deliveries commencing from tomorrow. Click HERE or on either of the images if you would like to place an order.
Of course, it will make a brilliant Christmas present for any angler and not just those who fish the Trent.
Thank you for showing interest in my book. I am genuinely honoured. If I live long enough and given a few month’s rest I could even be tempted to write another! It’s not like I am lacking material for one, or even two… 😉
And finally, please do not confuse this book with any other bearing a near identical name, launching at the same show and featuring some guests who have also contributed to The Mighty Trent.
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